ETC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some questions that are frequently asked about Chickasaw Nation Enhanced Tribal Card (ETC).

  1. What is a Chickasaw Nation Enhanced Tribal Card (ETC)?

    The ETC is a machine readable travel document (identification card) that can be used to travel domestically via air, or to enter the United States at land and sea ports of entry from contiguous territory, such as Canada and Mexico or adjacent islands. Adjacent islands are defined as Bermuda and the islands located in the Caribbean Sea, with the exception of Cuba.

  2. What is the difference between the current Chickasaw ID and the Chickasaw ETC?

    The ETC contains embedded security features that enable data included within the card to be shared with United States Customs and Border Protection officials at U.S. border crossings. The ETC can be used to travel to specified destinations, as it denotes identity, Chickasaw citizenship and United States citizenship. The current tribal ID card does not contain these features or technologies.

  3. Is the Chickasaw ETC a REAL ID?

    No, the REAL ID Act of 2005 only applies to state-issued identification.

  4. If I have an ETC, do I still need a passport to travel?

    The Chickasaw Nation ETC is currently a valid document for domestic air travel. A passport will be needed for international flights and it is recommended to possess a passport for any travel outside of the United States.

  5. How can I obtain a Chickasaw ETC?

    The ETC is appointment-based and citizens must schedule an in-person interview with the Chickasaw Nation’s Tribal Government Services office at (580) 436-7250 or

  6. Who is eligible to apply for a Chickasaw ETC?

    To apply for a Chickasaw ETC, you must provide documentation establishing identity, Chickasaw citizenship and United States citizenship. There is no age requirement to obtain a Chickasaw ETC as long as the required documents are provided. The application process is completed during the in-person interview.

  7. How much does it cost to obtain a Chickasaw ETC?

    The first issued ETC is free.

  8. What happens if I lose my Chickasaw ETC?

    The Chickasaw ETC contains personal information and technology built into the card and efforts should be taken to secure the card.

    If lost, you should contact the tribal government services office to update your card status to “lost.” Additionally, to be issued a new ETC, you must schedule an in-person interview to receive a new card at the cost of $10.