Chickasaw Citizenship

Chickasaw citizenship opens the door to programs and services designed to enhance the overall quality of life of the Chickasaw people.

The Chickasaw citizenship application is for individuals who have already obtained a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) verifying Chickasaw blood. Connection to a Chickasaw ancestor on the Final Approved Rolls of the Dawes Commission is essential for Chickasaw citizenship. Applicants must be able to trace their heritage through bloodlines to an original enrollee listed on the Final Approved Rolls of the Dawes Commission to obtain a citizenship card.

For more information about genealogy research, contact Holisso: The Center for Study of Chickasaw History and Culture.

Replace Citizenship Cards

For lost or misplaced citizenship cards, a new citizenship application must be completed.

How Do I Apply for Chickasaw Citizenship?

Step 1: Obtain a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)

Step 2: Complete the Application for Citizenship/Voter Registration

  1. Select the appropriate citizenship form according to age.
    1. Adults, ages 18 and older
    2. Minors, ages birth-17
  2. Select the relevant box(es) in the top right hand corner.
  3. Complete the personal information area, including maiden name (if applicable), Social Security number, mailing address and physical address.
  4. If you are a citizen/member of a different federally recognized Native American tribe, you must first relinquish with that tribe to receive citizenship with the Chickasaw Nation.
  5. If you are 18 or older, choose the appropriate voting district.
  6. Sign and date the application and provide a working daytime phone number. Sign the application with your full name (first and last). Please makes sure the signature is legible.

Step 3: Provide All Required Documents

If you are 12 or older, attach a current photograph.

  • Photographs must be in color and no smaller than 1 ½” by 1 ¼”.
  • Passport, Polaroid and professional photographs are appropriate. A photo can also be taken at the Chickasaw citizenship office.

For minors under the age of 12, a photograph may be submitted but is not required. All minors will receive a citizenship certificate and a citizenship card. If a photo is not provided for minors, there will be a silhouette, and the card will state "minor citizen".

Step 4: Submit Completed Forms

Submit your completed application with original signature along with the required documents to tribal government services.

Other supporting or additional documents not listed above may be requested by tribal government services.

Tribal government services will process the applicant’s Chickasaw citizenship card and mail the card along with a new citizenship information packet.

Forms & Documents

Related Forms

Application for Citizenship/Voter Registration in the Chickasaw Nation, Adult

Application for Citizenship in the Chickasaw Nation, Minor