Voter Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Below are some frequently asked questions about voter registration and changing voting districts. Also, learn how to update your address and submit a Notice of Deceased form.

  1. Can I change my voting district?

    Only Chickasaw citizens living outside of the Chickasaw Nation tribal boundaries may choose their voting district and can only change districts once.

    Chickasaw citizens living inside the Chickasaw Nation tribal boundaries must register within the district in which they reside.

  2. How do I submit a Notice of Deceased form to the election office?
    Please notify the election office by phone, mail or click the Notice of Deceased form on the related pages.
  3. What if my address changes?
    If you have an address change, please notify the election office by phone, mail or click the Update Your Address banner.
  4. Which district should I vote in?

    Chickasaws living inside the Chickasaw Nation tribal boundaries will register within the district in which they reside. Chickasaw citizens living outside of the Chickasaw Nation jurisdictional boundaries will choose their voting district and can only change their voting district once.