How to Register to Vote


Registering to vote in Chickasaw Nation elections is an easy process. The first step is getting registered with the election office. Chickasaw citizens who are 18 years of age or older may apply to become a voter. If currently enrolled with another tribe, you must relinquish membership with that tribe to be eligible for Chickasaw citizenship. Voter registration can be completed online, by email, letter or calling the election office.

Once registration forms are completed, submitted and approved, tribal election ballots are mailed to voters during election periods. Once ballots are received in the mail, please fill out properly then return in the postage-paid envelope.

How Do I Register?

  1. If you are a citizen/member of a different federally recognized Native American tribe, you must first relinquish with that tribe before registering as a Chickasaw voter.
  2. Fill out the Application for Citizenship/Voter Registration completely.
  3. Select the relevant box(es) in the top right hand corner.
  4. Complete the personal information area, including maiden name (if applicable), social security number and mailing address.
  5. If you are 18 or older, choose the appropriate voting district.
    1. If you live INSIDE the Chickasaw Nation jurisdictional boundaries, check the district in which you reside.
    2. Chickasaw citizens living OUTSIDE of the Chickasaw Nation jurisdictional boundaries choose their voting district and can only change your voting district once.
  6. Sign and date the application and provide a good daytime phone number. Please make sure the signature is legible.
  7. Return your application with original signatures to tribal government services.

Voting Districts

Article VI of the Chickasaw Constitution established four voting districts defined by geographic boundaries. Those districts are Panola District, Pickens District, Tishomingo District and Pontotoc District. When registering to vote, Chickasaw citizens living inside the Chickasaw Nation tribal boundaries register within the district in which they reside. Chickasaw citizens living outside of the Chickasaw Nation tribal boundaries choose their voting district.

Voter Count By District as of 7/6/2022





Total: 41,716









Forms & Documents

Related Forms

Application for Citizenship/Voter Registration

Notice of Death Form