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Participants learn about life skills, nutrition and practice the tools necessary to build a solid foundation for the sport of...

At this clinic, a team of veteran coaches and players teach students fundamental football...

First American youth can enjoy the game of golf while learning life skills, such as honor, integrity and...

Two days of clinic instruction focuses on improving the fundamentals of hitting, pitching and...

Participants learn basketball techniques from professional high school and university coaches, and current and former players. From advanced to beginner, youth will learn new skills, enhance existing fundamentals and focus on the positive aspects of the their...

Number of Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Approved Positions: Year 1: Four (4) Year 2: Four (4) Year 3: Four (4) Annual Stipend: Year 1: $65,417 ...

Selected Residency Preceptors Travis Freeze, Pharm.D., MBA, NCPS Director of Pharmacy Services Dr. Freeze received his doctorate in pharmacy from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and...

This community health representative program promotes the highest possible health level of Native Americans by providing medically-guided primary health care services where no other resource is...

The Chickasaw Nation Martial Arts Program offers Chickasaw families and Chickasaw Nation employees the opportunity to partake in a healthy lifestyle...

At this two-day clinic, cheerleading coaches instruct students on motion, jumps, spirit, rhythm, health and...