Educational Resources
Available to the public at no cost, these courses are taught by experts in their fields over a wide range of mental wellness topics, such as trauma and grief, suicide awareness and prevention, financial and cultural wellness and more.
This course prepares anyone over the age of 15 to identify individuals with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help to stay safe. SAFETalk teaches how to make the best use of these opportunities.
The ASIST class teaches how to recognize potential suicidal tendencies and solutions that can be offered to assist someone. It also discusses methods to speak passively with someone in an attempt to help them discover they need help.
Parenting Education Program
This eight-week, evidence-based class provides families with nurturing skills and how to implement them within each unique family environment.
PAX Tools
PAX tools supports parents, youth workers and other caring adults to create a nurturing environment to help kids thrive. It presents evidence-based, trauma-informed strategies to improve cooperation and self-regulation with children.
Bible Journaling
Creatively connect with our Creator and His word to develop a more personal relationship with God. In this course, learn the steps to begin Bible journaling.
Bullet Journal Basics
Participants will learn the basics of the bullet journal organizational system, as well as ways to apply it to everyday life.
Chickasaw Language Workshop
Enjoy a full day of Chickasaw language learning by reviewing the language revitalization program, Rosetta Stone, basic grammar and introductions and greetings in Chickasaw.
Urban Gardening
This class shows the ease of cultivating without a yard by demonstrating how to build a small container garden that simply needs a small window space. Create a small container garden with herbs on your own.
Zen Tangles
This is a fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Anyone can learn to draw more exciting lines, shapes and patterns, while increasing focus and creativity.