
Direct service is provided to public schools through the direct service application...

The Chickasaw Nation Recruitment and Retention Program prepares, supports and empowers Chickasaw college students for success with on-campus resources at the University of Oklahoma, East Central University, Mid-America Christian University, University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Community College, Southeastern Oklahoma State University and Murray State...

VEX-IQ is a transitional robotics team that bridges the gap...

The Chickasaw Young Artist Studio provides technical resources for students in grades seven-12 in varied art media with opportunities for competition, portfolio enrichment and...

The Chipota Himitta' (Young Child) Program provides child development education and screening, support groups and home visits. The goal of the program is to improve the family support system, teach family members problem-solving skills, promote healthy child growth and development and promote positive parent-child...

This community health representative program promotes the highest possible health level of Native Americans by providing medically-guided primary health care services where no other resource is...

O.T.A.P (Own violence, Take responsibility, Act respectfully Program) is a 52-week domestic violence education program providing a cognitive behavioral approach with an emphasis on culture, history and First American...

MENTORSHIP Learning from the personal experiences of other successful small business owners can help prevent common mistakes and allow entrepreneurs to successfully launch a thriving...

Stomp dancing is an important aspect of Chickasaw culture. Historically, stomp dancing has its roots in the Green Corn Ceremony, springtime celebrating harvest, redemption and forgiveness. Men si...

The Chickasaw Reading Program is designed to assist children by providing books to encourage...