Kilimpichi (To Make Strong)

Chickasaw Nation Residents
Deadline Approaching

This program offers high quality and up-to-date parenting information to families interested in learning more about nurturing behaviors. The courses, taught by trained instructors, teach families how these behaviors can work within their unique family environments.

Courses are available to the public. Virtual classes are only available to participants who reside 30 miles or more from Ada, Oklahoma.

See contact information, program details or locations.


  • Open enrollment
You Provide
  • Nothing is required
For information regarding application process, contact us.


(580) 310-7900
(580) 272-5554


No upcoming events.

Program Details

High quality and up-to-date parenting information is available to families interested in learning more about nurturing behaviors. The Kilimpichi program teaches families how these behaviors can work within their unique family environments.

This course is taught by a trained instructor certified in two curricula: Nurturing Parenting Education and Positive Indian Parenting. Both curricula are used together with open discussion and videos to provide the best learning environment possible.

Attendance is required at all sessions. Child care is not provided.

Other Information

Nurturing Parenting Education
Nurturing Parenting Education is an internationally-recognized program to empower parents and enhance self-worth, empathy and discipline.

  • Primary curriculum
  • Evidence-based
  • Consists of 40 hours of class time over eight weeks
  • Pre- and post-assessments are given

Positive Parenting
Positive Parenting draws on the strength of historic First American childrearing patterns and blends traditional parenting values with modern skills. This curricula teaches the values of storytelling, cradleboards, harmony, lessons of nature, behavior management and the use of praise.

  • Secondary curriculum
  • Practice-based
  • Developed by National Indian Child Welfare Association


Family Preservation Services

Ada, Oklahoma 74820

Family Support

Ada, Oklahoma 74820