Chickasaw Elder Employment Program

Chickasaw Nation Residents

This program provides temporary employment to supplement a Chickasaw elder’s household income. Citizens can be self-sustaining while gaining valuable on-the-job experience, developing a positive work history and exploring different working environments.

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  • Chickasaw citizen 60 years of age or older
  • Reside within the Chickasaw Nation
  • Work 39 hours or less per week
You Provide
  • CDIB
  • Chickasaw citizenship card
  • Social Security card
  • Proof of residence
For information regarding application process, contact us.


Call the location in your area.


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Program Details

The Chickasaw Nation Area Offices work together with the human resources department to find temporary positions for Chickasaw citizens ages 60 and up within the Chickasaw Nation. Chickasaw elders can work to supplement their income and become self-sufficient. The temporary jobs available are determined by the participant’s skill set and the needs of the worksites.


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