FIRST Robotics Competition

Chickasaw Nation Residents

The FIRST Robotics Competition is a sport of the mind designed to help high school students discover the interesting and rewarding life of engineers and researchers. Students focus on design, demonstrate team spirit, professionalism, maturity and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Applicants must have at least one year experience in the FIRST Tech Challenge and be entering grades 10-12. Chickasaw preference is exercised.

See contact information, program details or locations.


  • Chickasaw preference
  • At least one year of experience of FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC)
  • Entering 10th-12th grade
You Provide
  • Completed application to include the following:
    • Copy of school grades (last grade report received)
    • Application must be submitted by parent/legal guardian
      • (Guardianship paperwork may be required if applicable)

Note: incomplete applications cannot be processed.

For information regarding application process, contact us.


(580) 272-5579
(580) 272-1223


No upcoming events.

Program Details

The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is a sport of the mind designed to help high school students discover the interesting and rewarding life of engineers and researchers. The competition challenges teams of students and mentors to solve a common problem by designing and building a robot in a six-week time frame using a standard kit of parts and a common set of rules. To compete, students must focus on design, demonstrate team spirit, professionalism, maturity and the ability to overcome obstacles.

"The Varsity Sport for the Mind," FRC combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources and time limits, teams are challenged to design, build, and program robots to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors. They are also responsible for designing a team "brand," honing teamwork skills, and marketing themselves as a whole. It’s as close to "real-world engineering" as a student can get. Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team.

As one of the many FIRST family of programs, FIRST Robotics Competition inspires young people to be science and technology leaders while building engineering and technology skills.

Other Information

Please check back for enrollment dates.

Team Qualifications and Expectations:

If selected, students must comply with the team handbook including, but not limited to, the guidelines below:

  • Student must choose between FTC or FRC; concurrent rosters and/or applications will not be accepted
  • Student must attend at least 60 percent of all meetings and functions. If attendance falls below 60 percent, student will be put on a watch list and dropped from the team if no improvements are made.
  • Students are expected to help with all team activities. Each member plays a vital role in the success of their team.
  • All team members and parents must register online with FIRST, and complete a consent and release form.

Team Meetings/Events:

  • This is an after school program that meets Monday, Tuesday AND Thursday evenings from 4-8 p.m.
  • Our season length varies, but usually begins in January and ends in the spring.
  • Competitions are typically four-day events (Wednesday–Saturday). You will be notified prior to each event.
  • We will contact the student’s school to request excused absences for those events.
  • Parent involvement is welcome.

Travel Qualifications:

  • Students must:
    • Demonstrate a high level of dedication to the ideals of FIRST, the Chickasaw Nation STEM Academy and their team.
    • Submit grade reports prior to any event, before the posted deadline. To be eligible for travel, students must have a minimum current GPA of 2.75 (or equivalent) with no “D” or “F” letter grades (or equivalent).
    • Obtain at least 18 hours of community service through our program.
      • Volunteer hours through student’s school (or other extracurricular activities), do not count toward this. However, numerous outreach opportunities will be provided throughout the season.
    • Wear their team shirt (provided), and black pants (not provided), during all team events and competitions

Note: No student is automatically included on the travel team. Members must comply with the guidelines above to earn a spot on the travel team.
