Adult Learning Program

Chickasaw Nation Residents, Chickasaws At‑large

This program provides academic assistance to adults who want to complete their High School Equivalency Exam (HSE).

Must be a Chickasaw citizen or First American. Residents living within the Chickasaw Nation must be at least 16 years of age. Participants living outside the Chickasaw Nation must be at least 18 years of age.

See contact information, program details or locations.


  • At Large:
    • Chickasaw citizens ages 18 and older
  • In-Bounds:
    • Adults ages 18 and older (Chickasaw preference will be given)
    • Chickasaw citizens ages 16 and 17
You Provide
  • Chickasaw citizens or other First Americans who are an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe
For information regarding application process, contact us.


(580) 421-7711
(580) 272-1224


No upcoming events.

Program Details

The adult learning program provides academic assistance to adults within the Chickasaw Nation who did not complete high school and want to complete their HSE - High School Equivalency Exam.
Other Information

Within the Chickasaw Nation boundaries, the Adult Learning program serves all adults ages 18 and older. Preference is given first to Chickasaw citizens, then to other First Americans with a valid CDIB and referring agency.

Classes are located in Ada and Ardmore.

Outside the Chickasaw Nation boundaries, the adult learning program provides the cost of HSE testing fees for Chickasaw citizens.

Applications are available online or by calling (580) 421-7711.


Douglas H. Johnston Building

Ada, Oklahoma 74820