Yaakni’ Inaalhpisaat Chokma “The Nation’s Laws are Good” Judicial Camp

Chickasaw Nation Residents, Chickasaws At‑large
Application Available

Students will be led through various tribal court procedures by experts and lawyers, who will also help them get familiar with the fundamentals of the three branches of the Chickasaw Nation government and several substantive areas of Chickasaw tribal law.

Must be 8-16 years of age.

See contact information, program details or locations.


  • Ages 8-16
  • Chickasaw preference exercised
You Provide
  • Chickasaw citizenship card or CDIB card, if applicable
Online Application
PDF Application


(580) 235-0281


No upcoming events.

Program Details

This two-day camp is designed for ages 8-16 and provides an interactive experience with mock trials, tours and presentations by on-site professionals and peers. Youth will have the opportunity to meet Supreme Court justices, District Court judges, court personnel and advocates, Chickasaw Lighthorse police officers and Peacemakers. Additionally, they will gain a basic knowledge of the tribal court system and how it works within the boundaries of the Chickasaw Nation.

Breakfast and lunch are provided.

Transportation is not provided.


Judicial Building

Ada, Oklahoma 74820