Chickasaw Young Artist Studio

Chickasaw Nation Residents

The Chickasaw Young Artist Studio provides students in grades 12-18 with resources in varied art media and studio time with credentialed teachers. Participants will have opportunities for competition, portfolio enrichment and mentorship.

See contact information or program details.


  • Chickasaw citizens
  • First American youth
  • Ages 12-18
You Provide
  • Enrollment form which includes photo release and commitment form
  • Copy of citizenship card (will verify Chickasaw citizenship)
For information regarding application process, contact us.


(580) 272-5520
(580) 272-5525
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1548, Ada, Oklahoma 74821


No upcoming events.

Program Details

The Chickasaw Young Artist Studio provides technical resources for students in grades seven-12 in varied art media with opportunities for competition, portfolio enrichment and mentorship.

Studio time is scheduled for young artists with experienced and credentialed teachers. The amount of time scheduled will depend on the student needs, determined through an assessment and evaluation.

Space is limited and regular attendance is required. Student artists will need to enroll through the fine arts administrative assistant to ensure availability. 

Other Information

The studio is available with the following expectations required:

  • Time is spent working on artwork assigned by the school instructor.
  • Time is spent working on portfolio work for college applications.
  • Time is spent working on art contest submissions, where the artist will be awarded by recognition (i.e., ribbons, money or medals).
  • Artists may bring their own supplies (additional supplies may be available in the studio, but artists should not rely on availability).
  • Artists may bring work to be photographed for entry in contests, etc., but time must be booked through the fine arts administrative assistant.
  • Artists must sign in and out of the studio with instructor.
  • Cell phones will be used only when needed.
  • Artists are responsible for their own transportation to and from the studio space.
  • Artists must maintain their respective art space (clean up after yourself).
  • Only scheduled artists may be in the studio.