Press Release

Release Date: September 03, 2024
by Chickasaw Nation Media Relations Office

The 11th annual Chickasaw Day of Prayer will be broadcast 9:30 a.m., Monday, Sept. 9, on and

Each year, spiritual leaders from the Chickasaw Nation lead the community in prayers for good health, peace, prosperity and protection.

The ceremony will begin with a welcome by Chickasaw Nation Legislator Dusk Monetathchi.

Chickasaw Nation Governor Bill Anoatubby will offer comments and the Chickasaw Day of Prayer proclamation reading.

This year’s Chickasaw Day of Prayer theme is “Unity in the Bond of Peace.” Pastor Randy Wade, Chickasaw Nation Medical Center Chaplain, will share scriptures to support the theme.

“As Chickasaws we maintained our unity as a village, living and working together through humility, meekness, and forbearance toward one another, that peace would abide and keep us strong as a people,” Wade said.

Rose Shields-Jefferson will recite a prayer in the Chickasaw language. Shields-Jefferson is a fluent Chickasaw speaker. She has been influential in the continuation of the Chickasaw language by implementing new words and taking part in the creation of the Chickasaw Language Basics app. She is a member of the Chickasaw Hall of Fame.

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