Photo Galleries


White House Kite Flying

Event Date: 04/05/2008

Chickasaw White House Emet, OK 

FIRST Robotics: Regional Competition

Event Date: 03/20/2008

Chickasaw Nation and Pontotoc Technology Center sponsored team Metal Mayhem at the First Robotics Competition in Oklahoma City's Cox Center. This was the first time that FRC has held this event in Oklahoma. 

Elders Easter Dinner

Event Date: 03/20/2008

Chickasaw Elders Easter Dinner held at the Tishomingo Community Center. 

Youth Heritage Day

Event Date: 11/30/2007

Photos from the Chickasaw Nation Youth Heritage Day at the Camp Classen 89er Village in Davis, OK. 

Chickasaw Bank

Event Date: 10/06/2007

Choose An Active Life Day

Event Date: 09/25/2007

Images from the first annual "Choose An Active Life Day" for elders from each of the Chickasaw senior sites. The event promoted wellness activities for elders. The event was held at Wintersmith Park in Ada.

Youth Tennis Invitational

Event Date: 09/22/2007

Images from the Chickasaw Youth Tennis Invitational tournament. The event was open girls ages 10-14 years of age. Ada, OK 

Hall of Fame Banquet

Event Date: 08/31/2007

The Chickasaw Hall of Fame was held for the following honorees:  Zane Browning, Pauline Carpenter-Brown, Linda Hogan, and Robert Stephens.

Second Elders Day

Event Date: 08/24/2007

The Chickasaw Nation senior citizens sites gathered in Goldsby for the Second Elders Day of the year. Guest speakers spoke about nutrition, landscaping, and the Chickasaw language.