Career and Technical Education Assistance Program

Chickasaw Nation Residents, Chickasaws At‑large
Application Available

The Chickasaw Nation Career and Technical Education (CTE) Assistance Program is available to part-time and full-time Chickasaw students attending a state or nationally accredited career technology center, trade school or private licensed training facility, whereby graduating students receive a professional certification or license upon completion of their program. In addition to certification programs, funding may be considered on a case-by-case basis for advanced or graduate certifications at college and universities, bridge programs, continuing education, license renewal coursework and other career advancement opportunities that may not lead to a traditional certification. Eligibility is not income-based, and applicants are not required to live within the boundaries of the Chickasaw Nation to qualify for this program.

See contact information, program details or locations.


You Provide
  • Completed application form
  • Invoice or billing statement from the training facility with all program costs itemized. The student’s federal and/or state financial aid award will be taken into consideration when processing the award amounts.
  • High school transcript, high school equivalency or college transcript; eligibility is not dependent on completion or grade-point average.
Online Application


(580) 421-7711
(580) 272-1238


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Program Details

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Grant: The amount of the CTP grant shall be based on the tuition and fee costs of the student’s program, with $6,000 being the maximum award amount per certification.

Exam and Licensure Assistance Grant: The exam and licensure assistance grant provides up to $500 per exam or licensure fee. Awards may be dispersed as reimbursement or on a prepayment basis (if applicable to payee). Documents for reimbursement must be submitted within six months from the date of the exam.

Textbook, Supplies and Digital Learning Grant: The textbook, supplies and digital learning grant provides financial assistance up to $800 for required textbooks, supplies and digital learning items as determined by the student's program. The grant is available once per certification. Laptops are awarded once per student’s educational career. Awards may be disbursed as reimbursement or on a prepayment basis (if applicable to payee). Documents must be submitted before the program completion date.

Eligible items for purchase with the textbook, supplies and digital learning grant include:

  • Textbooks in all forms
  • Required supplies and equipment as determined by the student’s program
  • Productivity and learning application subscriptions for writing tools, note-taking, research, organization, flashcards or tutoring (e.g., Grammarly, ProWritingAid)
  • Laptop, tablet, desktop, e-readers, monitors, calculators
  • Mobile hot spots for reliable internet
  • Noise-canceling headphones, digital audio recorders
  • External hard drives, flash drives or cloud storage
  • Portable chargers, power strips, surge protectors, ethernet cables
  • Printers or all-in-one devices

Items not allowed include:

  • Smart home devices
  • Bluetooth speakers
  • Docking stations
  • Gaming systems

Graduation Cord Program: The graduation cord program provides full-time Chickasaw students with a cord to wear during graduation ceremonies. Eligibility is limited to one award per Chickasaw student per certification. This application must be made within six months of the Chickasaw student’s completion date.

Certification Completion Incentive: Eligibility is limited to one completion incentive per certification. Chickasaw students must provide a final transcript, diploma or licensure showing certification has been awarded within six months after the course completion date.

Certification completion incentive awards are based strictly on training clock hours and will be awarded as follows:

  • 99 hours or less - $50
  • 100-250 hours - $100
  • 251-500 hours - $200
  • 501-750 hours - $300
  • 751 hours or more - $400

Additional Resources

Student Support

The student support program provides general financial assistance for college and career technology students to help overcome barriers related to postsecondary education opportunities. This may include but is not limited to housing, utilities, transportation, living expenses or remedial education services. Student support may provide funding to Chickasaw citizens once each fall and spring semester. The award amount may change based on need and other eligibility.

Learn more at

Higher Education

This program provides a wide variety of higher education grants, scholarships and incentives to Chickasaw college students each semester. The programs and services provided by the higher education program are intended to supplement the educational needs of all Chickasaw citizens pursuing a degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

Learn more at

Tutoring Assistance Program

This tutoring assistance program provides high-quality tutoring services to postsecondary students in a content specific, one-on-one virtual environment. Applicants must be Chickasaw students enrolled in a nationally accredited public, private or online college or university.

Learn more at

Chickasaw Alumni Association

The Chickasaw Alumni Association provides opportunities for Chickasaw citizens to create enduring connections through various networking opportunities, cultural resources and mentoring programs. Chickasaw citizens who have completed an associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree, or a professional certification or license program, are eligible to apply.

Learn more at


Douglas H. Johnston Building

Ada, Oklahoma 74820